Belcarra Council Meetings
Scroll down for Council Meeting Calendars
Scroll down for Council Meeting Minutes & Agendas. Videos may be found by clicking on the camera icon.
Scroll below Council Meetings for Public Hearing Information
Scroll down for Council Meeting Calendars
Scroll down for Council Meeting Minutes & Agendas. Videos may be found by clicking on the camera icon.
Scroll below Council Meetings for Public Hearing Information
At each regular Council meeting, Council will hear from residents or other parties who wish to speak to Council regarding issues affecting the Village of Belcarra. In order to appear before Council you must submit a request in writing to the Chief Administrative Officer by 12:00 noon on the Tuesday prior to the Council meeting at which you wish to appear. (Delegation Request Form) (If there is a scheduling problem with the request, you will be contacted by a staff member to make alternate arrangements for your request).
<!–Fill out the Delegation Request Form–>
You will be contacted by a municipal staff member to confirm your attendance at the meeting. If you require any audio/visual equipment, please advise the staff member at this time.
The Council meeting begins at 7:00 pm in the Belcarra Village Hall. Delegations are one of the first items of business on the agenda, so it is important to be at the meeting by 6:45 pm. If you have made arrangements to use audio/visual equipment, it is recommended you meet with the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) by 6:45 pm.
When it is time for you to speak, the Mayor will call your name, at which time you will come forward to the front of the meeting room. Please be sure to clearly state your name and address at the start of your presentation. You will be given ten minutes to make your presentation (or more with the consent of Council), after which the Mayor and/or Council members may ask you questions.
Once you have finished your presentation, you may resume your seat to watch the remainder of the meeting, or you may leave. If you elect to leave at this time, please do so in a quiet, orderly manner so as not to interrupt the meeting. If you have any questions regarding the Delegation Process, contact the Municipal Coordinator (
Note: Although the municipality tries to assure the accuracy of all information presented here, you should confirm all information before making any decisions based on it. Information can be confirmed with the Chief Administrative Officer, Lorna Dysart.