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Village of Belcarra Policies

Belcarra policies are listed below. Simply click on the policy you wish to view.

Note: Online copies of Belcarra policies may not include recent amendments.

Disclaimer: Users of these unofficial electronic copies are cautioned that these policies are for use solely as a ready reference and have no legal force or effect. For all legal or official purposes, users should consult the official policies available at the Village of Belcarra Municipal Office.

The municipal policies listed below are those which are commonly requested.  If you are unable to find the policy you are looking for, please email

Please note that this page remains under construction and will be updated as existing policies are reviewed and brought forward to Council.  Individual copies of the policies available to the public may be obtained by contacting the Village Office. These policies are provided under and by authority of the Chief Administrative Officer of the Village of Belcarra.

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