The purpose of the Official Community Plan (OCP) Review Committee is to provide recommendations to Council regarding revisions and updates to the Village of Belcarra OCP Bylaw No. 435, as consolidated, which was adopted in 2011.
The purpose of the Official Community Plan (OCP) Review Committee is to provide recommendations to Council regarding revisions and updates to the Village of Belcarra OCP Bylaw No. 435, as consolidated, which was adopted in 2011.
The Official Community Plan Review Committee has been working on the Draft OCP document to prepare for the presentation to Council at the Regular Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 6, 2022. If you would like to provide feedback to the OCP Committee, please email OCP@belcarra.ca. The deadline for feedback is Thursday, August 25, 2022. Please click below to review the updates related to input received to-date to be presented for Council consideration.
Due to a technical issue, the OCP Review Feedback Form is not available at this time and will be reposted as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Please click on the link below for the Open House Presentation:
2022-05-24 Belcarra OCP Virtual Open House Final
Please click on the link below for the Draft OCP Maps:
Please click on the link below for the Open House video:
Please see below for the Official Community Plan Review Committee Open House Zoom link for the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 6:00 pm:
The Village of Belcarra encourages members of the public to share their thoughts on the proposed policies for the new Official Community Plan. We ask that participants include their first and last name when signing onto Zoom. We also ask that participants turn their cameras on for the duration of the open house. Failure to properly identify yourself will result in you being removed from the open house.