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Public Notices

Metro Vancouver – METRO 2050 / Have Your Say

METRO 2050


Metro Vancouver is updating Metro 2040, the regional growth strategy and has released a draft Metro 2050. The draft Metro 2050 is open for comments until end of November 2021.

Metro Vancouver values public input to develop a regional growth strategy that reflects diverse voices. A draft Metro 2050 plan is being developed in 2020 and 2021 with input from stakeholders across the region. The draft will consider equity and resilience, and looks out to 2050 and a livable region.

Metro 2050 Vision

Metro Vancouver is a region of diverse and complete communities connected by sustainable transportation choices where residents take pride in vibrant neighbourhoods that offer a range of opportunities to live, work, play, and learn, and where natural, agricultural, and employment lands are protected and enhanced.

Shaping long-term growth and development in the region is essential to meeting this vision in a way that protects the natural environment, fosters community well-being, fuels economic prosperity, provides local food security, improves social equity, provides diverse and affordable housing choices, ensures the efficient provision of utilities and transit, reduces greenhouse gasses, and contributes to resiliency to climate change impacts and natural hazards.

Click the link below for more information – deadline to provide comments is November 26, 2021