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Public Hearing Process

Public Hearing Process

Council appreciates your interest in local government and welcomes your participation at Public Hearings. The following are a few formal rules to help clarify the procedure for you:

Speaking at a Public Hearing

Public Hearings are a formal process held by Council to receive public input on Zoning or Official Community Plan amendments.

At the Public Hearing, any person present who believes that his or her interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. A speaker’s list is available for sign-in and speakers are called in the order they appear on the list.

A record of each Public Hearing is made by the Corporate Officer. The public may also submit written correspondence, which will form part of the record.

Proceedings During Public Hearings

The Chair will open the Public Hearing, and the Corporate Officer will introduce each bylaw in turn, and provide a brief explanation of the bylaw, indicate whether the statutory requirements have been met, and whether any additional correspondence has been received.

The Applicant will have an opportunity to comment on their application.

Members of the public will be called forward in turn. If you wish to speak at the Hearing, begin your comments by clearly stating your name and address. Your comments must be specifically related to the subject of the Bylaw, and be directed to the Chair. There is no opportunity at the hearing to debate points of view expressed by other speakers.

Members of Council may ask questions of you following your presentation to seek clarification on the points you have raised; however, the main function of a Public Hearing is to listen to your views. Council will not debate the merits of the proposed bylaw nor enter into dialogue with the public at the hearing.

No member of the public who deems their interest in property to be affected will be, or should feel discouraged, intimidated, or otherwise prevented, from making their views known. Therefore, please refrain from applause, or other expressions of emotion, whether you favour or oppose any particular application or argument. Inappropriate language, outbursts, or criticisms, aimed at individuals or groups will not be condoned.

After the Public Hearing is Closed

The Public Hearing may be adjourned at any time, to reconvene at a specified date, time and place. Once all representations have been heard, the Public Hearing will be closed. No further submissions may be received by Council after the close of the Public Hearing. Council will refer the bylaw without debate to the next or a specified meeting of Council, with or without a request for further information from staff. The Public Hearing will then be closed. No further submissions may be received by Council.

When the Bylaw is Considered by Council

After the Hearing is closed, the Bylaw goes forward to Council for consideration. Council may either adopt or defeat the bylaw, or alter, then adopt the bylaw, provided that the alteration does not alter the use, increase the density, or, without the owner’s consent, decrease the density of any area from that originally specified in the bylaw.

Further Information

If you have any questions regarding the Public Hearing Process, contact the Chief Administrative Officer, Paula Richardson at Phone: 604-937-4100, Fax: 604-939-5034, or visit the Village Office from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm:

  • Belcarra Municipal Hall
  • 4084 Bedwell Bay Road
  • Belcarra, BC, V3H 4P8

Note: Although the municipality tries to assure the accuracy of all information presented here, you should confirm all information before making any decisions based on it. Information can be confirmed with the Chief Administrative Officer, Paula Richardson.