Freedom of Information
The Village of Belcarra is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act), as are all local governments, and most provincial public bodies. The Act ensures that public bodies are accountable and open to the public. This is accomplished through a balance of the public’s right to “Freedom of Information” and “Protection of Privacy”.
The Act is applicable to all records in the custody of the local government, subject to exceptions provided for in the Act. The Act does not replace other procedures for access to information, or limit in any way access to information that is not prohibited from disclosure and is available to the public.
The Act allows the public to request copies of government records and receive them in a timely manner.
Many documents are available upon request and do not require a formal Freedom of Information (“FOI”) request. However, under Village of Belcarra Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 517, 2018, Schedule 1, fees for the provision of routinely available documents may be applicable. Please refer to the Commonly Requested Documents.